Take My Hand
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13
As a very young child, I was playing at the beach with my family. I found a log to walk on closer to the waves. My daddy kept warning me to not go out closer to the waves. Curiosity and play ruled my thoughts. Sure enough my stubbornness got me in trouble. A wave knocked me off the log and from under the water I reached up for help. My daddy was there all the time un-beknown to me. He had me pulled out of the water so fast by my little hand.
Our heavenly father is keeping His eye on us every moment of every day. He is there with us. Let go of your fear. You are not alone. He is there to help you – reach out your hand to Him.
Be with me today, God, as I face my fears with you there to help me. Take my hand.
PS – I was covered in sand, seaweed and red bottom from the swat my daddy gave me. Off to the cabin and no more day at the beach for me. Still so glad my daddy was there for me. Love you daddy. Love you Abba Father for always being there for me too.