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SHHH...Listen...God is speaking to you today

Writer's picture: alicepongraczalicepongracz

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

“…and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him.” Deuteronomy 30:20

I heard the girl long before I saw her. She was enthusiastically telling her story. I assumed she was young at the sound of her voice and as she did not take a breath between thoughts or give room for the other person to take part in the conversation.

Oh wait…that’s not only for the young. Many of us love to tell a story or share about our day. Non-stop. Get it all out. No pause. No breath. Sometimes we are so busy talking, we don’t realize we are not listening. We believe the whole story, every morsel, must be said. You know the person. You may even be this person. Guilty.

We can all be guilty of over-talking when it comes to our prayer life. God openly welcomes us to come to Him and tell Him what’s on our heart. But prayer is a two-way conversation. We need to pause and listen. Listen to the Master’s voice. He is waiting for you. So, listen. Stop planning and going through your daily to-do list in your mind and just listen. Take a breath and listen.

God wants to draw you near, quiet your spirit and speak to you. He wants to remind you that you are His. He wants to give you wisdom for the road ahead. He wants to tell you, over and over again, how much He loves you. He wants to assure you that all of “this” that you just told Him is in His hands and you are not alone.

Listening to God is precious time. Pause from talking, take a breath and just listen to God. You will be blessed.

Father God, thank you for being the best listener! You hear me praise you, share with you and cry out to you all day long. Teach me to be a better listener and to pause in my day to hear you. Quiet my heart, turn off my racing mind and help me to listen to your voice and hold fast to you.

By the way, the listener in the young girl’s story was her dad. Way to go dad!

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Alice Pongracz - 2019

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