More Than Conquerors
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Have you ever wanted to read the end of the book because you just could not wait to find out how the struggle was going to turn out? It’s the same for each of us. What is the ending? When will this struggle be over? Why is this happening? We also ask, “why me”? We may lose hope and faith. We may look for the easy out just to get to the end of the story.
Yet we forget to keep our eyes on God when we do that. I have done this many times. Paul says with confidence “we know that (not some things, but) all things work for the good (to whom?) to those who love him”. That’s me. That’s you.
How does Paul know this? How can you and I know this?
Romans 8: v14 “we are the children of God” v16 “He is our Father” v17 “Heirs and share in His Glory” v26 “The Holy Spirit intercedes for us” v38-39 “nothing can separate us from the love of God”
Wow! If God has promised me all that, why am I doubting, worried, fearful, without hope, caught up in the struggle? I may not know the ending of this time in my life, this part of my story. The good news is that I don’t have to know the ending. God knows my story. I know and I can believe that all things work for good. As I put my trust in God, I keep moving on…to Him.
In all these things, we are (I am) more than conquerors.
Thank you, God for providing the victory and seeing me through.