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Continue On

Writer's picture: alicepongraczalicepongracz

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

On that day, that transforming day, you made a decision to receive Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Do you remember that day? Recently or years ago, the seed was planted and a relationship with Jesus began.

So then…continue on.

No matter if you’ve been too busy, “disappointed in the church”, caught up in the things of daily life and world events, God is calling out to you. Stop and listen. Remember Jesus is your Lord.

Continue on.

Even if you’ve been a faithful follower for years, don’t get tired or in a rut.

Continue on.

Continue to live your life in Him. It’s a daily walk. Through prayer and being in His Word, your roots will find His water and you will grow strong in Him. Faith will become strong as you see Him working in your life and those around you. The fruit of this will be a thankful heart.

So then…continue on.

Hold out your hand. God will take hold of you, and you will walk with Him as you…continue on.

God, no matter where I’m at today, I’m ready to “continue on” to what you have next for me. May my life reflect the characteristic of you in my life – living my life for you, strong in faith and overflowing with thankfulness.


Alice Pongracz - 2019

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