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Advent Sunday Devotional: Mary – I am the Lord’s Servant

Writer's picture: alicepongraczalicepongracz

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Mary, a young Jewish woman…a teenager in our times…loved her Lord, God with all her heart. She grew up helping her mother prepare the sabbath meal each Friday evening and heard her father’s prayers and teachings. She knew the Lord God Jehovah was God of all. He rescued her people out of Egypt. Hopes for the coming Messiah was in her heart. She was being prepared by her momma to become the wife of Joseph. Her life was following the path laid out by her parents.

Even in her few short years of life, Mary was found to be highly favored by God. The angel (Gabriel) went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28 (NIV)

Gabriel comforted Mary with his words of God’s plan for her life – do not be afraid – you have found favor with God – You will give birth to a son – Jesus – Son of the Most High – Son of God. And concluded with the promise “For no word from God will ever fail.” From Luke 1:29-37 (NIV)

A teenager, a virgin, a child of God, Mary said those sweet, trusting words, “I am the Lord’s servant…May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38 (NIV)

No hesitation or doubts or waiver. Mary’s answer to God – Yes! I will follow you. I will obey you. I will be your servant. There was no doubt culturally what shame this would bring to Joseph, her parents and her. She knew God was asking her to trust Him, her God. Yes! Mary’s faith in God’s plan for her life – to be the mother of Jesus – was evident in her response.

What is your response when God calls you to obedience? Or when God calls you to put your trust and faith in His direction in your life?

Many years ago, I was at a crossroad in my life – to stay or to go, and I sought the scriptures to see how people of the Bible responded to God’s calling. “Here I am” was a common response. Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Samuel to name a few. “Here I am” God, willing to listen to you, to obey you, to put my faith in you. Are you willing and open to be a listening, obedient and faithful servant of the Lord as Mary was? Are you ready to believe and accept God’s word in your life will be fulfilled as He has planned?

Mary’s response – “I am the Lord’s Servant” – is all you need to say to God. He will do the rest. Your obedience opens the doors to an abundant life in Him. You will be used beyond what you thought you would be capable of ever doing. He will guide you, equip you and sustain you.

During this advent season, where does God want to use you to serve Him and share the good news of Jesus? He will go well beyond this season to share His unconditional love through you.

Say Yes today! I am the Lord’s Servant!

Thank you, God, for the gift of Jesus that I may have life everlasting with you. Take me and use me as your servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.

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